Language name: MUMUYE
UPSID number: 4132
Alternate name(s):
Classification: Niger-Kordofanian, Adamawa
This language has 34 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.418481805 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p t k kp b d g gb b< m n NW h v s S z Z r l j w i E a O "o u i~ E~ a~ "o~ u~ f
Comment: Mumuye has three level tones. Plosives and fricatives (except /f/) have a consonantal nasal release before nasalized vowels. Apparently /j/ has a palatal nasal allophone before nasalized vowels.
Source(s): Shimizu, K. 1983. The Zing dialect of Mumuye: a descriptive grammar. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.

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