Language name: NYIMANG
UPSID number: 4227
Alternate name(s):
Classification: Nilo-Saharan, East Sudanic
This language has 25 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.473082040 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: tD t k b dD d dj g s m n nj N l[ rr l j w i e E a O o u
Comment: Nyimang is spoken in the Sidra area of Jebel Dair, Sudan. Tucker and Bryan (1966) remark that "there appear to be three tone levels."
Source(s): Stevenson, R.C. 1957. A survey of the phonetics and grammatical structure of the Nuba mountain languages, with particular reference to Otoro, Katcha and Nyimang. Afrika und ubersee, Band XLI.
Tucker, A.N. and Bryan, M.A. 1966. Linguistic Analyses: the Non-Bantu Languages of North-Eastern Africa. Oxford University Press for International African Institute, London.

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