Language name: TLINGIT
UPSID number: 6102
Alternate name(s):
Classification: Na-Dene, Tlingit
This language has 48 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.245195861 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p b "t "d k g q ? "ts tS "dz dZ "n w j kW gW qW GW q' qW' G kW' k' p' "t' "tlF "dlF "tlF' "ts' tS' "s' "hlF' x' X' XW' xW' xW XW X x "hlF "s i "e a "o u
Source(s): Story, G.L. and Naish, C.M. 1973. Tlingit Verb Dictionary. Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Swanton, J.R. 1909. Tlingit Myths and Texts (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 39). Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Swanton, J.R. 1911. Tlingit. In F. Boas (ed.), Handbook of American Indian Language, Part 1 (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 40). Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: 425-559.

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