Language name: EYAK
UPSID number: 6109
Alternate name(s):
Classification: Na-Dene, Eyak
This language has 45 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.227297364 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: "th kh qh ? "t' k' q' "d g gW G "tsh tSh "ts' tS' "dz dZ "tlFh "tlF' "dlF x xW X h "s S "hlF m "n "l j w i E u i~ a_~ u~ i: E: a_: u: i~: a_~: u~:
Comment: Krauss (1965) reported that there were "3 persons capable of serving adequately as informants for Eyak". Apart from loanwords /m,n/ "could be interpreted as w and l respectively, followed by a nasalized vowel". Short oral vowels are often in free variation, the non-high vowel variation being obscurely described. Krauss includes 'aspiration' and 'glottalization' of vowels as modifications similar to length and nasalization. Since there are consonants /h,?/, and verb stems in -V:? ("long glottalized nucleus") seem to count as closed, these are interpreted as postvocalic -h and -?.
Source(s): Krauss, M.E. 1965. Eyak: a preliminary report. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/RCL 10:2,3: 167-187.

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