Language name: PICURIS
UPSID number: 6740
Alternate name(s): TIWA
Classification: North American, Kiowa-Tanoan
This language has 38 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.332010736 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p b "t "d k g tS "s x xW "n m "l "hlF "rr ? h p' ph "t' "th k' kW kW' i i~ e e~ "@ "@~ u u~ o o~ j a_ a_~ w
Source(s): Hoijer, H. and Dozier, E.P. 1949. The phonemes of Tewa, Santa Clara dialect. International Journal of American Linguistics 15/3: 139-144.
Trager, F.H. 1971. The phonology of Picuris. International Journal of American Linguistics 37: 29-33.

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